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Cevotec Expands Fiber Patch Placement Technology for Composite Tanks and Aerostructures

Cevotec continues to lead the advancement of Fiber Patch Placement (FPP) technology with significant innovations in composite tank reinforcement and aerospace manufacturing. With enhanced software capabilities and the introduction of an advanced gripper concept, Cevotec is strengthening its expertise in automated composite manufacturing.

Optimized Dome Reinforcements with New ARTIST STUDIO Features

Cevotec has further refined its composite tank reinforcement solutions through additional functions in its ARTIST STUDIO CAD-CAM software. The latest updates include enhanced support for Finite Element Analysis (FEA), offering improved simulation accuracy for components with complex curvatures. A new mapping algorithm enables precise modeling of pressure vessel dome reinforcements, optimizing structural analyses and significantly improving product quality. These innovations allow manufacturers to implement tank reinforcement designs with ease, achieving reduced weight and increased storage volume.

“The latest improvements in ARTIST STUDIO allow manufacturers to achieve more precise and efficient reinforcement of composite tanks,” said Dr. Florian Lenz, Technical Director at Cevotec. “This ensures not only enhanced product performance but also significant material savings.”

The technical excellence of Cevotec’s work in composite tank dome reinforcements—as illustrated in a successful collaboration project with CIKONI and Roth Composite Machinery—was recognized in 2024 with the prestigious CAMX Combined Strength Award. This accolade highlights the strong collaboration and ongoing technical progress shaping the future of composite manufacturing.

Advancing Aerospace Manufacturing with Smart Gripper Technology

Cevotec has launched its Smart Gripper concept, a significant leap forward in fiber lay-up capabilities for composite aerospace structures. The Smart Grippers feature tailored stiffness distribution, allowing seamless adaptation to both convex and concave surfaces. This ensures consistent compaction, reducing the need for intermediate debulking and enhancing manufacturing efficiency.

Additionally, the grippers incorporate individually controlled suction zones, enabling them to handle patches of varying sizes on larger grippers to increase flexibility and productivity. Other ongoing developments, including an active gripper deformation feature, further expand the range of suitable 3D geometries for automated high-precision lay-ups.

Cevotec’s Smart Gripper technology also played a pivotal role in the National Composite Center UK’s (NCC) recent study, demonstrating how Fiber Patch Placement can effectively recycle up to 80% of dry fiber manufacturing waste. Furthering aerospace innovation, the latest ARTIST STUDIO software enhancements now fully support trapezoidal-shaped patches, allowing precise gap and overlap control for large aerospace components such as radomes and nacelles. The new features also streamline user functions for interactive patch shape adjustments and automated shape adaptation, ensuring superior laminate quality and production efficiency.

Cevotec Commissions First Fiber Patch Placement System in Japan

Expanding its global footprint, Cevotec has successfully commissioned the first SAMBA Pro-PV system in Japan in collaboration with Fuji Industries. Installed at Nagoya University’s National Composite Center (NCC), the system will officially launch on March 17, 2025, with an inauguration ceremony followed by a technical composite symposium. Dr. Florian Lenz, Cevotec’s Technical Director, will present the latest advancements in Fiber Patch Placement technology at the event.

This milestone underscores Cevotec’s commitment to driving innovation and fostering collaborations worldwide, reinforcing its leadership in automated composite manufacturing.

Über die Cevotec GmbH

Cevotec is the leading provider of automation equipment based on Fiber Patch Placement (FPP) technology. Cevotec’s robotic lay-up systems and dedicated CAD-CAM software enable the efficient, automated production of complex, multi-material composite parts, serving industries such as aerospace and composite tanks. Cevotec’s commitment to innovation and sustainability drives its mission to empower manufacturers to build complex composites – in high volume and superior quality, worldwide.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Cevotec GmbH
Biberger Str. 93
82008 Unterhaching bei München
Telefon: +49 (89) 2314165-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 2314165-99

Sandra Finn
Senior Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (89) 2314165-56
E-Mail: sandra.finn@cevotec.com
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